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  • fruit Bluetooth Speaker LED

    byJB Republic of Korea

fruit Bluetooth Speaker LED
fruit Bluetooth Speaker LED

It is a cute product with a sensuous and unique design that combines avocado-shaped LED lighting with a seed-shaped Bluetooth speaker.

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fruit Bluetooth Speaker LED 202310/47340/UbEgxcMZNEYXw202310301250065.jpg
fruit Bluetooth Speaker LED 202310/47340/UbEgxcMZNEYXw202310301250065.jpg"
fruit Bluetooth Speaker LED 202310/47340/J59xdciHNL4E4202310301250237.jpg
fruit Bluetooth Speaker LED 202310/47340/J59xdciHNL4E4202310301250237.jpg"
fruit Bluetooth Speaker LED 202310/47340/1XaQGOElPxUOk202310301250345.jpg
fruit Bluetooth Speaker LED 202310/47340/1XaQGOElPxUOk202310301250345.jpg"
fruit Bluetooth Speaker LED 202310/47340/SKh1pEfAqwRRm202310301250413.jpg
fruit Bluetooth Speaker LED 202310/47340/SKh1pEfAqwRRm202310301250413.jpg"
fruit Bluetooth Speaker LED 202310/47340/qwqIK8aMA3fOM202310301250490.jpg
fruit Bluetooth Speaker LED 202310/47340/qwqIK8aMA3fOM202310301250490.jpg"
fruit Bluetooth Speaker LED 202310/47340/RkMBS3QgJgVdL202310301258536.jpg
fruit Bluetooth Speaker LED 202310/47340/RkMBS3QgJgVdL202310301258536.jpg"
fruit Bluetooth Speaker LED 202310/47340/p9Z766JaH14kH202310300116166.jpg
fruit Bluetooth Speaker LED 202310/47340/p9Z766JaH14kH202310300116166.jpg"

Fruit Bluetooth Speaker LED

It is a cute product with a sensuous and unique design that combines avocado-shaped LED lighting with a seed-shaped Bluetooth speaker. It is a Bluetooth speaker LED that combines two types of LEDs, avocado and peach colors, and a separate seed-shaped Bluetooth speaker. This product will make your house more sensuous and sophisticated.

Product Information

  • Product Dimensions
    20 x 15 x 30
  • Product Materials
    Polymer, Pearl Blast Aluminum, Waterproof Leather, Glass


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